Business IT Solutions for Retail and HoReCa

Where to find the best IT business solutions? How to boost c-store and gas station sales? How to overtake the main competitors in the niche? What are the cloud services? How to implement managed IT solutions? Is there a way to obtain essential competitive advantages?
All IT solutions powered by BMS Cloud platform. More information at

Smart cities, Smart Homes, Smart Autos - What's Next? Smart Gas Station?

Advanced IT business solutions are the only way to keep up with the main rivals in the industry. The lack of cloud services or IT-tools will force you to step back while other competitors will leave you behind at no time. The foodservice industry is hardly an exception. The lack of advanced and precise solutions results in million-dollar losses for many gas station and c-store chains. This is all due to a lack of reliable IT services companies able to provide managed IT services.

Modern marketing tools, IoT platforms and web technologies are aimed at preventing the slightest risk of finding yourself overboard. They let you easily form the right selection of products, monitor sales statistics and make all necessary corrections on time. We united all the features in one award-winning technological IoT concept - "Smart Gas Station". It combines various essential processes, retail POS systems and devices connected to the Internet of Things. As a result, we managed to work out a magic formula that will bring your foodservice business to success.

"Smart Gas Station" IoT solution will be the best bet if you:

  • want to reduce financial losses and costs;
  • want to boost sales by 400%;
  • prevent employees from stealing and cheating;
  • improve the quality of your products and services;
  • reduce repairing costs.

BMS Cloud platform provides unlimited flexibility to fulfil any need of our customers.
Can be used in pubic cloud, private cloud, or in premises.

Advanced Software for Coffee Machines

Developed by our IT engineers, coffee machine software is the best bet for c-store and gas-station chains. It is aimed at letting companies boost their sales as well as reduce costs. 970+ sites worldwide are currently connected to our advanced IoT platform.

Who Can Use the Platform?

Our main customers include:

  • gas station chains;
  • fast food restaurants;
  • convenience stores;
  • cafe chains and independent coffee shops;
  • hotels and restaurants.

Our IoT-based platform lets you remotely control the entire fleet of coffee machines. Keep an eye on a single site as well as all sites simultaneously in spite of their location.

What Are the Main Advantages of Our IT Business Solutions?

Our mission is to let companies boost their sales by means of easily managed IT services. For this reason, we have enveloped our unique technological solutions that automatically choose the most appropriate coffee machine settings, track the condition of equipment, indicate all occasions of coffee machine leakage, overview sales statistics and more. The software is the right choice in case you want to:
  • Boost sales by 50%
  • Get higher profit in 3 month
  • Provide better-tasting coffee drinks
  • Reduce repairing and servicing costs
We supply an already assembled coffee module with built-in software installed inside every machine. The software is already connected to the BMS remote monitoring system. Our specialists will do everything for you. You receive a ready-to-use advanced IoT-based coffee corner.

Just install it at the gas station or c-store and start generating higher revenue. We provide training courses for employees in case of necessity. They are not required to have any special or technical skills. Our system is intuitive and user-friendly.
Would you like to learn more?
Contact us now!

Internet of Things: Smart Gas Station

The "Smart Gas Station" concept includes everything you need to enable a successful operation of a c-store or cafe at the gas station. It is aimed at improving the foodservice quality as well as increase the level of customers' loyalty and satisfaction.

The Internet of Things is already shaping our lifestyle. What has once seemed impossible is the essential part of our lives today. Retail and HoReCa industries are not an exception. The idea is rather simple: to connect all available equipment and devices at your site to a global web and control everything remotely from a simple user interface. This is actually what we have done. Now let's have a closer look at our IoT-based solution for gas stations.

Process Automation System for Gas Stations

We offer a complete solution to control and manage cafes and c-stores at gas station chains. The system was designed to prevent the slightest sign of inefficiency, low productivity and sales level. You can benefit from an ultimate multi-purpose software that consists of several marketing IT-solutions:
Manage and control your equipment in real time.
For efficient supply chain management.
Advanced loyalty software to boost sales and impulse purchases.
Remotely visit all your sites in real time 24/7.
Check our Smart Grill
Learn more about our latest IT development to boost the level of foodservice at your gas station or c-store.
IT solutions have turned into a major marketing tool that lets businesses boost sales, effectively manage their facilities and stay on top. Opt for advanced technologies or stay behind your main competitors.

The Main Advantages of IT Solutions for Business

We managed to create the Internet of Things for a gas station. It comes as advanced software to connect all necessary devices and IoT equipment to generate precise data and stats, analyze information and automate business process making them more efficient than ever. Our solutions encourage impulse purchases that will guarantee:
Equipment stand-stuff reduced by 70%
Sales Growth
40+ cups of coffee to your average daily output
Unexpected breakdowns and malfunctions reduced by 98%
Proper settings guarantee 100% great-tasting coffee beverages
Contact us!
Start gaining profit using our advanced IT business solutions!